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Anti Gravity Humidifier Levitating Water Drops Air Purification

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Sold by Tasal Shop

د.إ 250.00 د.إ 325.00 /Pc -23%
Club Point: 325
(10 available)
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  1. Anti-gravity technology for levitating water drops.
  2. Humidifies and purifies the air simultaneously.
  3. Captivating design with mesmerizing water display.
  4. Efficient air purification for a healthier environment.
  5. Perfect for home or office use.

Experience the marvel of anti-gravity technology with our innovative humidifier. Watch in awe as water drops levitate within the device, creating a mesmerizing display while simultaneously humidifying and purifying the air around you. This cutting-edge appliance combines functionality with captivating aesthetics, making it a perfect addition to any home or office space. Say goodbye to dry air and hello to a healthier environment with our anti-gravity humidifier.

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